Monday, February 3, 2014

Oh Baby Baby

Is it just me, or is my reading list a little dry lately ;) lol come on people! I don't want to just read about myself! This past week has been uneventful yet busy at the same time. I had quite a few visitors over from friends to family to fellow ward members. I managed to get most of the house work done but I usually had people over till 5pm so dinner was super fast stuff..which isn't anyone's favourite. Andrew had something going on every night so we didn't see him much and Wednesday night I got my hair done. It looks a million times better! The roads were super bad that night so Andrew drove me across town and he was slipping everywhere in the car! This weekend was manrichment so Andrew was gone Friday night/Saturday day and Scarlette and I spent a lot of alone time together. This week also marked my pregnancy heading into the end stretch (30 weeks!!). Little Lexi is still moving like crazy!!! She actually keeps me up at night because I can feel EVERYTHING...I seriously think I can feel her little fingers tickling me from the's weird. I went to the doctor today and I'm measuring just right for 30 weeks, baby is head down and heartbeat was 148 bpm. Other then my crazy bad back pain and having acid reflux every once in a while I am feeling pretty good. This pregnancy has flown by and I'm actually more nervous to have her then I was to have Scarlette. I am a little unsure about how everything is going to go and how my life is going to change. I'm not going to lie...Scarlette and I pretty much live the life. So I've decided to dedicate this post to some of the things I want to remember about Scarlette. She hasn't got an update post in a while and I'm afraid I might forget some of this stuff!! 

Scarlette ages 0-3 months--- Scarlette was a pretty fussy baby, she liked to eat every hour during the day for a long time but had always been a baby who could sleep a good stretch of time at night so that made it doable. The only problem was getting her to bed in the first place. She is very particular lol. She hated tummy time and if I remember correctly she rolled from her back to her stomach nearing the 3 month mark...she NEVER rolled from her stomach to her back. She never took a soother, she never would take a bottle (even if I was out of the house) and she definitely never accepted formula haha. I think that was one of the hardest things about becoming a mom, I couldn't go anywhere for a very long time without bringing her along. She enjoyed her swing and always babbled to the little animals above her. She LOVED her bouncy chair and that is usually where you would find her. She didn't like her tummy time toys and didn't like to be left alone. We co-slept with Scarlette ( we have a King size bed) and even though I will definitely not be doing that with this baby, it is time that I cherish with Scarlette. We squeezed Scarlette into a newborn outfit to come home from the hospital in but other then that she went straight to 0-3 months but was wearing 3-6 months nearing the end of 2 months old.

Ages 3-6 months-- Scarlette continued to be fussy, she would go longer between feeds but still was eating more frequently then what the average was. She started enjoying tummy much better thanks to her V-tech walker sit'n'stand. She figured out how to do a bunch of stuff on there at 4 months old ( we have a video) and it is kind of crazy the things she was doing at that age. She started sitting in her Bumbo at 4 months old and really liked it. She also lost her hair at 3 months old...right before her baby blessing. She started sitting up at 5 months old and we also started feeding her rice cereal at that time. She could turn the pages of books, loved hearing music and plunking on the piano at Grandma's house. I think we got her jolly jumper around this time too which took a few times for her to warm up to. She was wearing 6 month clothing due to pure chubbiness lol! She isn't that tall!! 

Ages 6-9 months-- Scarlette had her ears pierced at 7 months old and to calm her down Andrew shared his orange julius with her...which also marked her learning how to drink from a straw! So out I went to get Sippy Cups and my baby finally drank from something other then me LOL!! Around 8 months old Scarlette started to crawl and that was pretty fun in the beginning...then I realized it wasn't so fun without a baby gate haha. I feel like after 6 months I had a completely different baby. Scarlette LOVED being able to eat baby food, drink water out of a cup and crawl around. This girl was definitely made to be independent. I saw a complete change in her as she was able to do more things. I really can't remember sounds she started to make etc. but I do remember that we had so much more fun during this period of time. We took the mom and tot swim class and she absolutely LOVES the water. She was wearing 6-12 month clothes and still sleeping with us at night but would sleep in her crib for naps during the day. 

Ages 9-12 months-- Scarlette started pulling herself up onto the furniture around 9 months old and would walk from object to object as long as she had something to hold onto. I thought she would be an early walker because she just did so well at balancing and would stand by herself around 10 months old but she is a scaredy cat lol. We continued to eat baby food but introduced our own food into her diet. She loved pasta, rice, bread etc. She was a super slow teether and she didn't pop the bottom two teeth out till around 12 months old! She started sleeping in her crib at night and during the day but every once in a while she would still sneak into bed with us haha. I don't really remember much else about this stage because it was summer and we were out at the pool lots haha. She was wearing 12 month clothes. 

Ages 12-15 months-- I went back to work so Scarlette was at my moms during the day for this time period. She started walking on September 24th, the day before my brother left on his mission. Probably the only exact date I will remember haha. She was 13 months + 1 week old. It was super cute. We went back to my parents house after Austin got set apart to say good-bye and all of a sudden she just stood up and started walking. I think she could have been walking much sooner because we never had the wobbly unsure phase....she literally just stood up and started walking as if she had been doing it for months. She was much more adventurous in this stage and started getting into all the cupboards, stacking blocks, saying actual words and noticing the TV. My dad bought us "Finding Nemo" and she honestly would sit there the whole movie in a trance ( talk about long attention span). We watched Nemo A LOT in the first few months of my pregnancy lol...I would usually turn it on in the morning while I was laying on the couch. She got her two front teeth (which are large like mine) and two more bottom teeth during the stage and her hair started growing yay! She was wearing 12-18 month clothes. 

Ages 15-18 months-- This has BY FAR been the funnest stage for me. Scarlette is a GREAT communicator. Her vocabulary has gone crazy in the last few months...these are the words she can say off the top of my head-- Shoes, Car, Outside, Daddy, Mommy, No, Yes, Please, Help, Duck, Juice, Go, Free, Balloon, Night, Bye, Hi as well as matching the sounds of all the animals to the right animal (I can thank you-tube for that). She is so good at understanding what I am saying to her and follows directions like a champ. It seems so weird to me that I can say something to her now and she knows exactly what I want her to do. I recently started putting her hair in a little pony tail and she doesn't look like a baby at all anymore. You put her in her little jeans and boots with her hair all done and I have got myself a toddler!! Scarlette LOVES music and is starting to sing in her own way. She loves the Frozen soundtrack and we listen to it a lot. I put "Let it Go" on and she is dancing and singing "go" "free" "good girl" ....I really am going to have to put the video I took is SO cute. Her movie preferences have expanded and now we are able to watch Monsters Inc, Monsters University, Little Mermaid and Tangled. She didn't care for Incredibles or Brave and any movie that doesn't have the Disney Castle with the fireworks at the beginning she won't watch Despicable Me 2 was a complete waste of money. She still loves the water but I am too lazy to bundle her up and take her swimming during the winter so she has a lot of baths lol. She is a super picky eater and pretty much sticks to a liquid diet with a little bit of bread and yogurt. The only thing that I can count on her to eat is Kraft Dinner and cookies....REALLY....I wanted to be a healthy mom. We got lent my friends juicer the other day and she has drank every single juice I have given her. She loves them! I feel an investment coming on. She loves smoothies too but you can't just throw a carrot in a smoothie lol. She has been getting her 4 molars all at once so for the past two weeks she has been sneaking into bed with us around 6am after she gets some warm milk ( oh yeah...she still has to drink her milk warm....really? princess much!). Ever since I quit work her schedule has been pretty unorthodox compared to other kids her age. She is a very light sleeper and won't go to bed unless Andrew and I are going to theory is that she learnt this from co-sleeping with us that it isn't bedtime till we go to bed. We have tried lots of different things to change this but ultimately we didn't care enough to go through the headache of changing her schedule. She goes to bed in her crib at 10:30 after PJs, milk and we have read her some books. Aside from her teething she wakes up at 10:30 sometimes past 11 in the morning. I REALLY like sleeping in and she is so independent when she plays that I totally don't mind her staying up with us playing with her toys while we watch TV. We would be doing the exact same thing if she was in bed...except I would have to be up at 7 or 8 with her the next day. We also went to Nursery for the first time on Sunday. She is definitely a baby when I stuck her with all those other kids. She ran in and didn't have a problem playing with the toys...but the other kids had a problem with her playing with their toys. This one little boy was so sweet though and would bring her toys to play with. She was fine during singing time but didn't really sit on her chair and all the other kids scavenged her snack during snack time. She did enjoy using a little dixie cup though. She had no idea what was going on during the lesson and the kids weren't sharing their crayons afterwards which made her we left a little early. Needless to say I'm super nervous about next week. I am way too much of a control freak to leave her there alone lol....I think I might be going with her for a few more weeks...or they could just call me to Nursery....that would be good too. 

Anyways!! Phew...this was one thing that I definitely wanted to sit down and do before the new baby came. I haven't touched Scarlette's baby book and I just couldn't trust myself to get it done before the baby comes. She really has been the greatest thing to ever happen to me. She is my little BFF and we have so much fun together. I love playing princesses with her, reading to her and teaching her new things. She brings me so much happiness and I couldn't have asked for a better little girl!! I love her SO much and I really hope to be able to love this next one as much as I love her...though it is hard for me to wrap my head around right now. 

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