Wednesday, February 12, 2014

3D Ultrasound

Part of my Christmas present this year was a 3D ultrasound. I've always wanted to try one but I didn't really want to spend all that money haha. This year I decided to get one because I had a little bit of money saved up and really didn't want anything for Christmas except for a keyboard (which we couldn't afford). The experience was pretty cool. I went at the end of November for my first session and got to see little Lexi and find out she was a girl. The lady showed me her face, legs, feet, hands, bum etc. all well being super friendly and interactive. It was a 20 minute session and none of it is diagnostic so I was just able to enjoy seeing my baby and asking questions about her (where her head was, where her feet were etc.) it was really quite nice to relax during an ultra sound, plus you don't have to drink any water!! Here is a couple of pictures of Lexi at 20 weeks.

She is super skinny and alien looking lol but I still think she is kinda cute...

Yesterday, Feb 11th, I was able to go for my second session where I got to see how much Lexi has grown and developed. She is quite a bit chunkier and I still have over 8 weeks to go. She was quite intent on keeping her arms up by her face...she obviously doesn't like being photographed. Her head isn't quite in my pelvis but is down and to the left which means her feet are all snuggled up and pushing on my right rib cage, explaining why the right side of my back is in constant pain!! The US tech couldn't even get a shot of her feet because they are so far up into my rib cage...awesome. It does make me feel better that I'm not just being a whiner....I can actually say that my baby has her feet up in my rib cage and is exerting pressure...good thing I haven't had any boys yet....yikes! I can't quite tell if Lexi looks like Scarlette first impression was that she has my brother Austin's nose...his baby pictures came flooding into my mind when I first saw her. The US tech says that she has good sized cheeks for how far along I am so I assume the girls will share that trait. I also thought that Lexi's lips look a lot more full then Scarlette's.....I'm thinking she got full on Andrew lips haha...they look juicy!! I can't really tell how cute she is going to be lol...I know it is hard with a 3D ultrasound and 8 more weeks to go...I just want her to be somewhat in the same league as Scarlette. I always have these nightmares that I'm going to have a bunch of cute kids and then one that is not so cute....I'm sure every mother has worried about that right??? aha or am I incredibly vain? Anyways, here are some pictures of Lexi at 32 isn weeks.

 (Sleepy Face)


 (grumpy face)

(Leave me alone face haha) 

(Look at those lips!!)

(One more smile!)

Overall I had a really great experience having a 3D ultrasound. It was fun to be able to see this baby for longer than 5 minutes and to be able to relax and ask questions without feeling like I was bothering the US tech. I probably won't be able to afford to do it again but I'm definitely glad I did it once!!! At the end of the session I was given a disc with about 80 still photos on it and then a DVD that captured the whole last session so Andrew was able to watch a bit of it last night. I think he is getting really excited to meet her! I'm still feeling a bit anxious/nervous about how our family dynamic will change and how I will be able to love this baby as much as I love Scarlette but I'm sure that will all come with time. 

So who do you think she looks like?!?!


1 comment:

  1. She totally looks a lot like Andrew! And you can tell she will be super cute. 3D ultrasounds are so fun! I was lucky and my doctor just always does them, and it's crazy how accurate they are. I mean obviously it's a picture of your baby- but for some reason I didn't connect that it was what she would actually look like haha. I'll have to post a comparison picture sometime.
