Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Busy Bees

I have been awfully bad at updating this blog in the past couple months but I promise it isn't because I don't love you all! We have been SO busy. Most people that know me can probably describe me as a busy body. I love to have a million things on my plate but watch out because if I get a little too overwhelmed I turn into a crazy girl! (sorry Andrew..haha) Anyways, this is our schedule for the week!

Mondays we usually have family home evening with my Dad and siblings but that past couple weeks we have been enjoying FHE with some young married couples. I think FHE is really important, even if it is just you and your spouse. I didn't grow up doing FHE so I definitely don't judge people who can't find the time to do it or have a hard time getting in the habit of it but ever since Andrew and I have made it a priority we have really enjoyed it!

Tuesday Andrew has meetings to attend because he was recently called as first councillor in our Elders Quorum presidency. He really enjoys his new calling and I feel it is such a perfect place for him....Andrew was a door to door salesman so he LOVES talking to people haha.

Wednesday is usually a night where we take turns visiting teach/ home teaching and on the random Wednesday where we have nothing going on we usually go over to my moms or Andrews parents and visit.

Thursdays we clean my Uncle Ron's pharmacy and get treats after while my mom watches Scarlette for us.

Fridays usually date night.....who are we kidding??? We usually fold laundry or watch movies at our house. We WISH we were cool enough to go out on dates.

Saturdays I usually have shoots and Andrew usually goes dirtbiking or quadding so Scarlette finds a relative to spend time with haha usually Grandma H!

Sundays are church and family visits day but we are thinking we may choose one Sunday out of the month to do family visits. Sometimes it feels that we go from one place to the next that we end up exhausted by the end of the day and it takes away from actually 'resting'.

Anyways, Scarlette is SO close to crawling...she just need to figure out her legs and she will be all over the place. She can move her arms and pivot around but she just can't seem to get those legs moving. She is absolutely loving being an 8 month old and is finally on a pretty strict schedule. It took me 8 months to finally pick up on her rhythm. We wake up at 8am and she breastfeeds then we come upstairs and play till about 9:30am when she wants to eat some whole grain cereal or fruit. At 10am we go downstairs and have a shower together and then get dressed. At 10:45am I usually put her down for a nap and she wake ups anywhere from 11:30 to 12 if she is really tired. At noon she comes upstairs and plays for an hour and then wants some lunch so we eat butternut squash or sweet potatoes (some type of vegetable) and she usually has a bit of my yogurt if I'm eating that. Then we read books and play together till around 2:30 when she breastfeeds again and takes her 'heavenly' nap (at least that is what I call it). She usually sleeps till 4:30 or 5pm but I don't let her sleep past that. Then she comes up and plays in her highchair while I make dinner and we all eat together around 6pm. She then plays with her daddy or reads or jumps in her jolly jumper. We breastfeed again around 8:30 and she goes to bed at 9. We just love that girl!!

I'm fairly busy with my photography and Andrew is busy with Mr.R's so we hope to start saving for a house soon! YAY!

This post was super boring by the way. Oh Well!!!

1 comment:

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the day to day life if the macleans- now I know when to visit you!! :)
