Monday, October 31, 2011

Lady Bugs

So my goal is to start blogging more often. I realize this sounds like a silly goal but I really want to get into the habit of recording funny moments and have a cool online journal type thing!!

The reason my blog is titled "Lady Bugs" is because they are all over my floor!!! There must be cracks in the windows or something but I just started noticing that even when I vacuumed every couple days, there was still specks on the floor. At first I thought it was because Andrew brings dirt into the house everyday but upon futher inspection I realized that these little specks were dead lady bugs. I looked at the windows and there was some Lady Bugs that were still alive but closer to the center of the room they had all died. They must come in to get warm and unfortunately for me I have to vacuum like a crazy!

This weekend was so much fun! Andrew got Saturday and Sunday off and I was so dang excited..I havn't been able to do anything with my husband forever...Heavenly Father must have read my last post and decided it wasn't time for snow yet!! On Friday night it was pretty late when Andrew got home so I made him spaghetti and we just watched some T.V. . On Saturday I decided to skip out on work and hang out with my babe all day. We started out doing some errands such as a Costco run and we went and got my ring back... I will leave that for another post. Then we picked up Brock and went to The Smurfs... the movie was alright.. I had more fun watching Brock laugh then anything haha he is getting so baby is growing up :(. After the movie was over we took Brock home and visited with my parents and then when to Andrew's mom and dads to visit with them. We then headed to Miriam and Barry's to make them some pumpkin bread. It was soooo good... you can get it at Costco and it makes bread or muffins or cake with cream cheese. I got to help Miriam bath Emma and it was sooo fun, Emma has her own little shower thing for her bath and it just melted my heart to see Miriam sprinkle little Emma. Miriam is such a good mom it is crazy! I am so excited that she gets to be my kids Auntie. Barry is also such a good daddy and we love spending time with them. Andrew and I were just talking about how blessed we are to have such good families.

On Sunday we went to church and someone in our marriage got a calling..not saying who yet...but it is super exciting and I will post about it next Sunday. Then we went to Brittany and Mikail's house for dinner and pumpkin carving. It was all the old roomates and really nice to see everyone. Then we went home and crashed, read some scriptures and had a good talk about how lucky we each are. It is always nice to start a week with such a great hubby. Anyways he just walked in the door so I'm going to go play with him!!

Love Nikki!!!

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