Sunday, March 18, 2012


SOOOO I think Carly Piper and I have switched babies lol. We have due dates that are within days of each other and her mother's intuition told her she was having a girl and I was FOR SURE that I was having a boy but ...we switched lol. I honestly cannot describe how happy I am right now! Every girl wishes to have a little girl of her own and now that I'm having one I don't ever have to worry about not getting my little girl again. I could have a house full of boys after my baby girl and be completely happy.

I went into the doctors on Thursday morning..a long wait from Monday morning. Dr.Koegler was checking the babies heartbeat and it was 161 so we always joke that its a girl because her heartbeat is going really fast. So he says " It's a girl!" and I was like "IT IS?!?!" and he was like " oh...I don't know I'm just haven't found out yet?!?!" and I was like "no I had a crappy ultrasound tech" so he rushes over to the computer and brings up the ultrasound results......and he turns the computer screen away from me!!! TORTURE! So he explains to me that the baby is a little small but everything is normal but my umbilical cord is a 2VC. So to anyone who doesn't know what that means (I didn't) most babies have a vein bringing nutrients and stuff in from mommy and then 2 arteries taking waste out from baby....but my cord only has 1 vein and 1 artery. It is supposidly only suppose to be a worry if the heart isn't developing correctly but ours is perfect! So then after he explains that in detail he lets me search the page till I find the predicted gender. I spot an "F" and I honestly was so dumbfounded I had to ask if "F" meant FEMALE.... PREGNANCY BRAIN MOMENT!! Anyways he said yes and I honestly COULD NOT BELIEVE IT. Anyways in a nutshell Andrew came home from work early ( he was secretly sooo happy to be getting a little girl ) and my mom and I went shopping like crazy. This child has a bazillion clothes already. I'm going to post some pics on facebook soon. Anyways we have just been soaking it all in and enjoying referring to "it" as a "she". Plus my belly realllllly popped this week. Being pregnant is sooo strange sometimes...I went to bed one size and woke up a totally different size. As they say in my pregnancy book...nearing the 5 months mark there is "no hiding the fact that you are pregnant".

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