Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Not tired...and very lazy

So it is only 11 pm but I am sooo not even close to being tired. I think it is because I have been watching so much T.V. lately. When I lived at home I never watched T.V., mostly because there was only 2 of them and I never got to one in time...or cared too. I then moved to Waterton where I didn't have cell service or internet and then into my girls house where we never watched T.V.....when I first got married I can't even remember turning the T.V. on. I think Andrew and I watched a couple movies but other then that I was pretty uninterested. When we moved up to Calgary I had to fight Andrew on the fact that we did NOT need to bring our huge T.V. with us haha and I won. I did bring my macbook and watched a couple seasons of different shows I had either wanted to watch or needed to catch up on. This fall I started to watch T.V. a bit more but I had 6 classes and I was pretty busy with life so I didn't feel as though it was a problem. CHRISTMAS TIME...that is when this all began! I started watching season after season of Grey's anatomy...we also got our leather couches which made it a lot more comfortable to sit down then on our...super old and hard loveseat ...and small half of our sectional lol. This semester I just must confess....I AM A COUCH POTATO!!!! I honestly have trained myself that when I'm at home it is relax time..i sit down on the couch..pick a show..and watch...even if the show sucks!!!! I never use to be able to stand the Bachelor but now I always seem to take 2 hrs out of my day to watch it. I also watch whatever else is on all week. The only show that I care to watch is Grey's Anatomy but somehow I end up watching T.V. everynight. I know that this is probably one of the better addictions to have but I just HAVE.TO.BREAK.IT. So please people! Give me some ideas on how to kick this habit...books that you have recently read and loved...or other ways I can avoid being a lazy butt! I am making a goal to watch only 4 hrs of T.V. this weekend...which includes tomorrow night...wish me luck ;)


  1. if you haven't- read the great and the terrible series by Chris Stewart. The first one is called the brothers. Its a really great series. The first book is the authors take on the preexistence, then the rest are earth life.

  2. Go running.... Start training for a marathon! haha Or buy a sewing machine, those are fun. Or start painting or something..... :)

  3. haha LAUREN...I can't really train for a marathon......but I wish I could!! I do need to buy a sewing machine a learn how to make tacky childrens clothes hehehe. Mish!! Thank you so much for the suggestion, I am in need of a good read :)
