Thursday, January 9, 2014

New Beginnings

For FHE a few weeks ago, Andrew and I decided to make a big list of goals that we wanted to accomplish this year. The biggest thing we considered was even though our list of goals was long, we wanted them to be attainable. We had the goals divided into sections which included, family goals, financial goals, spiritual goals, marital goals and of course a few of our own personal goals. Some of the things I considered as personal goals included more consistent scripture study that would include my children. Even though it is hard at this age, I know that now is the time for habit forming. I got this really sweet BOM summary with pictures and small amounts of reading so that I may be able to keep a certain someone's interest up for longer then 2 seconds. One of my other major goals was to keep a record of these early years. I get so wrapped up in day to day life that sometimes I lay in bed at night and worry that I won't remember all the special times that we have shared in these early family growth years. SO...this blog is about to get a lot more personal. Don't worry, I won't be sharing anything shock worthy, disagreements with my husband will still stay private ;) as well as anything else that seems TMI. BUT, this blog will no longer serve as my way to update friends and family. I will write things that I would consider writing in a a lot of these blog posts will become very boring. Also, my life is my children right now so that will be the majority of the things I will be writing about, you've been warned! I am so bad with sitting down and journaling with a pen and paper that I didn't feel it was an attainable goal. However, I am on the computer quite a bit and really have no excuse not to share some feelings more then once every 3 months haha! So, get ready for a whole slew of "catch-up" blog posts. 


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