Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sick Sick Sick

This week I got sick. I honestly thought I was invincible since beginning to take prenatal vitamins. I use to get sick 3 or 4 times a year but I haven't been sick since I began taking vitamins in September (almost 8 months!!). It was easter weekend though, so you how family get togethers always speed up the process of a sickness going around. I called my mom to tell her I was sick and ask her what I could take and surprise surprise, everyone except for Ciara and Austin are sick in my house. My mom told me I really couldn't take anything and I might just have to suffer through it. So my routine has consisted of hot water and lemon juice (only soothes for about 30 minutes before you need some more), tylenol every 4 hours, lots of water, polysporin on the nose, vicks on the chest and my fuzzy blanket. Andrew has been an absolute amazing husband. He got up about a million times yesterday to get me water, groceries, blankets, magic bag and he even rubs my back when I need him too. He is currently sleeping right now because I think I kept him up all night last night. Did I emphasize how much I HATE being sick. It is so hard for me to have a soar throat, especially since I can't take any meds.

Anyways, I have 3 more days of school and then 2 final exams and I am DONE SCHOOL! I am sooooooooo excited! Baby is doing great and she is moving like crazy this week. She moves throughout the day now and I usually just felt her at night time. I have even got to the point where I can lift up my shirt and see my belly shifting every which way. Last night after I had drank my lemon hot drink the baby was going crazy. Andrew got to feel her for like 10 minutes lol.

Hope everyone has a great week! And stay healthy!!

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